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- Recruiting in general
- Active sourcing
- Employer Branding

Active Sourcing Bible
Our exclusive white paper shows you how to identify, approach and attract the best talent for your company.

Active Sourcing Matrix
Define the requirements of your position precisely and record them clearly in order to identify the best possible candidates.
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Here you will find all the questions you need to clarify before the actual search for candidates in order to be able to recruit effectively.
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Job advertisement template
Here you will find a template for the optimal structure of a job advertisement to successfully address your desired candidates.
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Employer Branding Score Quiz
With just a few short questions, you can determine your employer branding score and receive possible measures for a strong employer brand.
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Recruiting capacity calculator
With our recruiting capacity calculator, you can easily calculate the capacity you need to fill your vacancies according to your targets.
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ARDAM calculator
Determine the maturity level of your recruiting digitization and automation with our ARDAM calculator.
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ChatGPT in recruiting
Discover how you can use ChatGPT in recruiting for the various phases of the recruiting process and make your recruiting more efficient.
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Let's have a chat.
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Mathias Mengel
Managing Director of Kooku Recruiting GmbH
Mathias runs Kooku Recruiting Partners with a clear focus on innovative, sustainable recruiting solutions. Together with experienced interim recruiters and consultants, he supports companies in filling open positions in a targeted manner and in optimizing their recruiting strategies – individually adapted, fair and transparent.
With offices in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Vienna and Barcelona, Kooku Recruiting Partners is an operational and consulting recruiting agency that focuses on a lively, human working environment – for our clients and, of course, for ourselves.
Let’s work together to master your recruiting challenges effectively and in partnership. – We are at your side.