Recruiting on Demand and the advantages over normal headhunters

Recruiting on demand is an increasingly popular concept that offers several advantages over traditional headhunters. Find out in this text what the advantages are in detail.
Fill vacancies effectively and quickly with freelance recruiters
You’ve been trying to fill your position for a long time, but you don’t have any suitable applicants or candidates to fill it, or you don’t have enough resources yourself to take care of filling the position sufficiently? In these cases, a freelance recruiter is suitable, who supports your HR department externally for a limited […]
So where did the job ad go? – How recruiting freezes can damage the relationship between candidates and companies

In the wake of the Corona crisis, many HR departments faced drastic budget cuts and changing targets. As a result, there were recruiting freezes, vacant positions were suddenly no longer vacant, and in some cases all activities related to recruiting were even frozen. Uncertainty about the further development of the new situation and a lack […]
Soft skills vs. hard skills: What really matters?

Whereas in the past mainly Report card grades, school and university–respectively Vocational training degrees and acquired qualifications the decisive factors the recruitment of a candidate, nowadays completely different skills are increasingly coming to the fore: the so-called soft skills. This is also reflected in the Job postings reflected. Hardly any job ad comes today still […]
Telephone interview: Tips and tricks on how to succeed

Although in this day and age the smartphone is an integral part of the lives of many, fewer and fewer people like to make phone calls. Instead, they increasingly rely on e-mails and chats, although a short call can save both companies and candidates a lot of time and money, especially in the application process. […]
Xing and LinkedIn: The somewhat different social media platforms

While many people think of Facebook, Instagram and the like when they think of social media channels, recruiters are particularly interested in the Xing and LinkedIn networks as part of social recruiting. In the past, the application process was very similar: a company advertised a position in the newspaper or later online, interested candidates applied […]
Remote Work – an insight into the daily work routine of Tobias

Remote Jobs at Kooku I have been working remotely for Kooku Recruiting Partners since April. My parents shrug their shoulders soberly at this statement, while friends and acquaintances congratulate me in amazement. I want to share with you my experience, tell you what remote work is and how remote collaboration works. What is a remote […]
Recruitment Consultants, Recruiters, Headhunting, Direct Search, RPO, and Interim Recruiting – What Is Actually Behind These Terms?

Many terms, such as human resources consultant, have changed in meaning today, are used differently, or the general acceptance of the terms has changed greatly. This can be very confusing when trying to decide on a recruiting service provider. We would therefore like to take a closer look at the individual terms and give a […]