
Value-based recruiting – an HR optimization strategy for sustainable corporate development

More and more companies have recognized that values are the foundation of a positively lived corporate culture and represent an essential part of the corporate identity. However, these are not only important for good (employer) branding, but also an important basis for the recruiting process. Therefore, companies should resort to value-based recruiting.

Why are corporate values important?

Values represent a company internally and externally and provide firm strategies for action. Thus, values as a decision-making and behavioral benchmark can reduce complexity in everyday work and contribute to effective cooperation. In addition, as the core of the corporate culture, they can represent an important differentiation criterion from the competition. If values and goals are aligned between employees and the company, this has a positive influence on the company’s success.f the commitment and satisfaction of employees. The results of an international survey conducted from glassdoor show that salary is no longer the primary factor for job seekers. Rather, they want companies whose culture and values match their own. If there is a cultural fit between employees and the company, this has a positive effect on employee retention, as almost 2 out of 3 respondents stated that the culture experienced was one of the main reasons for staying with the current employer. Values-based recruiting provides a starting point for ensuring such a fit.

Value-based recruiting through the right questions

Hire for attitude, train for skill.” Although most people are now familiar with this principle in recruiting, it is often difficult to implement. After all, an applicant’s values are not so easily gleaned from a resume or LinkedIn profile. Although previous employers, places of residence, postings or special activities can provide clues, these are not sufficient to determine the values of candidates. That’s why it’s important to ask value-based questions during a personal interview and analyze the answers accordingly. For the creation of a possible questionnaire, it is an important step to take a close look at the company.

Value-based recruiting: status quo and vision for the future

The presentation of values on the website, in merchandise or in the offices does not automatically mean that they are also lived. Consequently, determining the status quo of the corporate culture is of particular relevance. Here, it is advantageous to have an outside person perform an analysis of the company. Interim recruiters are particularly well suited for this purpose, as they gain important insights during their time with the company and at the same time bring a neutral perspective. In doing so, value-based recruiters will pay attention to questions such as the following: How are the values implemented in everyday work? How are the values reflected in the way we work, the way we are treated or the benefits? What values are particularly relevant to the advertised position? Where is potential for improvement?

Core Values and Aspirational Values

The basis for value-based recruiting is created by answering two questions. First, what are the Core Values and the current state of the company? Second, what are the values that the company does not yet act on, but which are necessary for future success (aspirational values)? The Core and Aspirational Values must also be considered and determined in detail with regard to the position to be filled.

Value-based recruiting: You’re hired!

In the values-based recruiting process, it is therefore crucial that candidates have deeply internalized the Core Values and have already implemented them in their previous professional experience. Another criterion is the expression of aspirational values. From this, the goal is for the next hire to not only be a cultural fit, but also to positively drive the team and overall company culture.

Every new hire has an impact on the organization. Unfortunately, this also means that undesirable developments can come about and have a disruptive effect. This makes it all the more important to obtain an accurate picture of one’s own organization through value-based recruiting so that the prerequisites for the right hire can be determined. Creating sustainable relationships between companies and employees is not only the task of recruiters, but also reflects the value proposition of “quality over quantity” of Kooku Recruiting Partners.

Kooku Recruiting Partners has been placing senior-level recruiters on an interim basis throughout Germany for about ten years. With our market expertise, we have already supported companies in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Hanover, among others, in their search for qualified talent. In cooperation with our experienced recruiters, we succeed in integrating a value-based recruiting strategy into your organization.

You can find more information about our interim service in our service data sheet. This blog post provides insights into the work of interim recruiters.

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