Recruiting on Demand

For smart HR managers with ambitious growth targets who want to fill key positions want to fill key positions within a few weeks scalable, flexible and without tying up internal resources:

– With fast integration into your processes

– With the right recruiting budget for you

– With the necessary industry expertise in our team

How does Recruiting on Demand work with Kooku in 7 steps?

  • 1. structured job briefing

    The validation of the job profile and an initial free market research allow us to make a concrete assessment of the success of your recruitment. Because only if we have precise insights into what is currently happening on the market in your industry and in the positions that need to be filled can we work efficiently and to a high standard of quality and target the perfect specialist for your job. This facilitates a smooth recruitment process with maximum transparency for you.

  • 2. software-supported effort estimation in advance

    An individual, KPI-supported effort estimate gives you an exact insight into the time we need. The recruitment process is customized for each of our clients so that we can offer you the best value for money and high-quality results.

  • 3. development of an effective recruiting strategy

    We also develop a concrete search strategy and resilient milestones for you, as well as an overall timeframe for successfully filling the position. In this way, you can optimize your time management and engage in forward-looking workforce planning.

  • 4. fine-tuning of the candidate search profile

    Already after 12h you will receive a first longlist with suitable candidates. This way you can act quickly and pick out suitable contacts that you can well imagine as an addition to your company.

  • 5. weekly KPI-based reporting

    In regular jour fixes, we compare our successes with the help of performance indicators determined in advance. About once a week, we talk to you personally about the goals you have achieved so far and discuss open questions together. You will be well advised in all matters.

  • 6. candidate presentation in 1-2 weeks

    Within 5-10 days we will introduce you to the first suitable candidates. It goes without saying that we will provide you with competent support in all matters relating to personnel marketing. In doing so, we provide you with tips on topics such as the application process, the actual interview with a suitable candidate, and the most important steps on the way to hiring your new colleague.

  • 7. filling the position within 8-10 weeks

    The position is usually filled within 2 months. From executives to qualified technical personnel. With the help of our recruiting specialists, you can fill any vacancy in the shortest possible time. We are happy to do the work for you and help you find the best candidate for your vacancy in a timely manner and inspire them for your company.

How high is the probability of being filled and which recruiting channel is the right one?

Take our short quiz and receive a free assessment from one of our specialist recruiters.

Our recruiting software for maximum transparency in the process and rapid recruiting success

With 10 years of experience and extensive market expertise as well as technical know-how, our recruiters have a 95% success rate in filling positions. Last but not least, by addressing target groups in an open manner, we ensure an above-average response rate from candidates. For this purpose, we use marketing methods such as the AIDA formula, among others.

With fast & lean recruiting processes and the many years of experience of our recruiters, we can fill your positions in a short time. Our recruiting activities are billed by the minute. No hidden costs or high headhunter commissions!

We use our position benchmark to compare the performance of the position you are looking to fill with similar positions we have already filled, enabling us to identify and resolve weaknesses in the recruiting process at an early stage.

We use AI to streamline our recruiting processes and get to the desired result faster. Through close teamwork and open exchange between our approximately 25 recruiting consultants, we quickly find the optimal candidate for your position.

Weekly reports and jour fixes always give you a transparent overview of the project progress and the relevant KPIs. With the help of the recorded project performance data, we present you with targeted optimization proposals and implement them together with you.

Feedback from our customers

Other customers with whom we have successfully cooperated
How can we currently support you in recruiting?

Josefine Loewe

Head of Customer Growth and Success

Josefine is responsible for the well-being of our customers. It will find the best service for your growth in order to fill your vacancies efficiently and effectively. Josi’s mission is to enable our customers and partners to grow in line with their needs and to take the pressure off internal recruiting teams. 

To achieve this goal, it is important to her that our recruiters are a perfect match for the individual requirements of our customers in order to guarantee the high quality of our services and long-term customer relationships. 

Just find an available date in Josefine’s calendar here on the right or get in touch with her via the following ways:

Get to know us easily now.

Would you like further advice on the subject of Recruiting on Demand?

Contact us directly by phone or e-mail. We advise you without obligation and give you first tips for your recruiting.

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Recruiting Bereich:
Technologie (Spatial Light Modulators)


IT-Systemadministrator & Finanzbuchhalter-Stellen für ein Technologie-Unternehmen besetzen. 

Für unseren Kunden wurde ein Linux-/ und Windows-Systemadministrator und eine Finanzbuchhalter-Rolle, lokal (mit regelmäßiger Office-Anwesenheit) für den Standort des Unternehmens, besetzt. 

Das Projekt wurde mittels unseres Recruiting-On-Demand-Ansatzes durchgeführt. Mit Fokus auf Schnelligkeit und Qualität konnten wir zielgerichtet die passenden Kandidatenvorlagen liefern: Von der Optimierung der Stellenausschreibung/ des Arbeitgeberauftritts, über Bewerbungsmanagement, Direktansprache, bis zu Recruiter Calls zur Vorselektion und der zügigen Übermittlung von aussagekräftigen Kandidatenvorstellungen an unseren Kunden. 

Unser Lösungsansatz

Branchenexpertise unserer Recruiter, um Kandidaten für Positionen in verschiedenen Abteilungen zu finden und zu beurteilen. 

Optimale Darstellung des Arbeitgebers durch die Erstellung eines ansprechenden Exposés und Stellenausschreibungen auf zielgruppenspezifischen Plattformen (z.B. IT-Hochschulen).

Dediziert lokale Direktsuche, um alle relevanten Kandidaten, die lokal (im Umkreis von max. 30 km) zum Unternehmensstandort ansässig sind, zu identifizieren und anzusprechen. 

Vertrauensvolle Beziehungen zu den Ansprechpartnern und regelmäßige Rücksprachen. 

Datenbasiertes Vorgehen und tagesaktuelles Reporting.

Erfolge für Holoeye

Wir haben erfolgreich unterstützt bei der Platzierung von zwei schwer zu besetzenden Positionen.

Optimaler Einstellungsprozess durch Herausarbeitung der gesuchten Candidate Persona und zielgruppen-spezifische Ansprache der Kandidaten.

Dedizierte Employer Branding Maßnahmen (z.B. Exposé zur Stelle) zur optimalen Platzierung der Arbeitgeber-attraktivität.

Langfristige Beziehungen zu den Ansprechpartnern durch wöchentliche Jour fixes und sofortige Erreichbarkeit.


Recruiting Area:
Technology (Spatial Light Modulators)

Project goals

IT Systems Administrator & Financial Accountant vacancies for a technology company.

A Linux/ and Windows System Administrator and a Financial Accountant role, local (with regular office presence) for the company’s site, has been filled for our client.

The project was carried out using our recruiting-on-demand approach. With a focus on speed and quality, we were able to deliver the appropriate candidate templates in a targeted manner: from the optimization of the job advertisement/employer presence, application management, direct approach, to recruiter calls for pre-selection and the rapid transmission of meaningful candidate presentations to our client.

Our solution approach

Industry expertise of our recruiters to find and assess candidates for positions in different departments.

Optimal presentation of the employer through the creation of an appealing exposé and job advertisements on target group-specific platforms (e.g. IT universities).

Dedicated local direct search to identify and approach all relevant candidates who are based locally (within a maximum radius of 30 km) to the company location.

Trusting relationships with contact persons and regular consultations.

Data-based approach and daily reporting.

Successes for Holoeye

We successfully supported the placement of two hard-to-fill positions.

Optimal recruitment process by identifying the desired candidate persona and addressing candidates in a target group-specific manner.

Dedicated employer branding measures (e.g. job exposé) for optimal placement of employer attractiveness.

Long-term relationships with contact persons through weekly jour fixes and immediate availability.


Recruiting Bereich:
IT-Dienstleistung und Beratung


Tech- & Sales Stellen im Herzen von Schwerin besetzen. 

Seit Mai 2021 begleiten wir unseren Kunden arztkonsultation beim Wachstum und unterstützen so die Pionierarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Telemedizin. 

Für die B2B SaaS-Cmpany haben wir bislang unterschiedliche Stellen im Tech und Sales-Bereich besetzen können, z.B. PHP Backend Developer, React Entwickler, Team Lead Development, Software Tester, Sales/Key Account Manager, Customer Success Manager und Account Manager.

Für Kunden, die viele unterschiedliche Stellen besetzen möchten, braucht es eine gute Internetpräsenz und einen engen und konstanten Kontakt mit Kandidaten! 

Unser Lösungsansatz

Durch die enge und vertrauenswürdige Zusammenarbeit sowie den Einsatz von spezialisierten Recruiting-Teams im Recruiting-on-Demand-Modell (RoD) ist die über lange Zeit andauernde Zusammenarbeit erfolgreich. 

Auf Grundlage ausführlicher Briefings und die Erstellung von Anforderungsprofilen konnten wir eine gemeinsame Vorstellung von den gesuchten Personas entwickeln und entsprechend eine individualisierte Recruiting-Strategie und Kommunikation aufsetzen. 

Im Bereich HR konnten wir zudem das Set-up des Bewerbermanagementsystems funktionalisieren und so die Candidate Experience optimieren. 

Erfolge für arztkonsultation

Erfolgreicher Teamaufbau durch mehr als 12 Hires.

Strategische Auswahl von Bewerberkanälen für den besten Kandidaten-Fit.

Steigerung des Kandidaten-Fits durch ausführliche Briefings und Erstellung von Personas.

Exzellente Candidate Experience durch enge Zusammenarbeit und Funktionalisierung des Bewerber-managementsystems.


Recruiting Area:
IT services and consulting

Project goals

Tech & Sales positions in the heart of Schwerin. 

Since May 2021, we have been supporting our customer arztkonsultation in its growth and thus supporting its pioneering work in the field of telemedicine. 

For the B2B SaaS company, we have so far been able to fill various positions in the tech and sales area, e.g. PHP Backend Developer, React Developer, Team Lead Development, Software Tester, Sales/Key Account Manager, Customer Success Manager and Account Manager.

For clients who want to fill many different positions, a good Internet presence and close and constant contact with candidates are essential! 

Our solution approach

The close and trustworthy cooperation and the use of specialized recruiting teams in the recruiting-on-demand (RoD) model have made the long-term collaboration a success.

Based on detailed briefings and the creation of requirement profiles, we were able to develop a common idea of the personas we were looking for and set up an individualized recruiting strategy and communication accordingly.

In HR, we were also able to functionalize the set-up of the applicant management system and thus optimize the candidate experience.

Successes for medical consultation

Successful team building with more than 12 hires.

Strategic selection of applicant channels for the best candidate fit.

Increasing the candidate fit through detailed briefings and the creation of personas.

Excellent candidate experience through close cooperation and functionalization of the applicant management system.

askDANTE Logo

Recruiting Bereich:


Die Zukunft der digitalen Zeiterfassung in Kiel.

Für unseren Kunden wurden die Positionen Product Owner, Key Account Manager und Customer Success Manager besetzt.​

Für Kunden, die viele unterschiedliche Stellen besetzen möchten, braucht es einen konstanten Kontakt mit Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten sowie einen engmaschigen und raschen Bewerbungsprozess.

Unser Lösungsansatz

Durch die für den Kunden personalisierte Recruiting-Lösung konnten wir eng mit unserem Kunden zusammenarbeiten.​

Strategisch unterstützten wir unseren Kunden bei der Auswahl der Recruiting Plattformen und einer zielgruppenspezifischen Stellenbeschreibung.​ Über das Active Sourcing hinaus implementierten wir außerdem eine Social-Recruiting-Kampagne.

Das KPI basierte Projekt-Tracking führte zu einer transparenten Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Kunden.

Erfolge für askDANTE

Optimierung der Rückmeldequote um 40% und Besetzung der Positionen in 60% der geschätzten Zeit.

Optimierung des Recruiting Prozesses sowie Implementierung einer Social-Recruiting-Kampagne.

Steigerung des Kandidaten-Fits durch professionelles Active Sourcing und passgenauer Ansprache.

Exzellente Candidate Experience durch den Einsatz von Kooku Expertenwissen & der Evaluierung des Bewerberfeedbacks

askDANTE Logo

Recruiting Area:
Online time recording

Project goals

The future of digital time recording in Kiel.

The positions of Product Owner, Key Account Manager and Customer Success Manager have been filled for our client.

For clients looking to fill many different positions, constant contact with candidates and a close-knit and rapid application process are essential.

Our solution approach

Thanks to the personalized recruiting solution for the customer, we were able to work closely with our customer.

Strategically, we supported our client in the selection of recruiting platforms and a target group-specific job description. In addition to active sourcing, we also implemented a social recruiting campaign.

The KPI-based project tracking led to transparent cooperation with our customer.

Successes for askDANTE

Optimization of the response rate by 40% and filling the positions in 60% of the estimated time.

Optimization of the recruiting process and implementation of a social recruiting campaign.

Increasing the candidate fit through professional active sourcing and a tailored approach.

Excellent Candidate Experience through the use of Kooku expert knowledge & the evaluation of applicant feedback.

Moodja kooku

Recruiting Bereich:
Logistik & Warehousemanagement


Eine operative Managementposition am Rande von Berlin besetzen.

Für unseren Kunden wurde ein Senior Operations Manager gesucht

Dafür brauchte es eine zielgruppenspezifische Ansprache und einen reibungslosen Recruitingprozess.

Unser Lösungsansatz

Durch die für unseren Kunden personalisierte Recruiting-Lösung unseres RPO-Services konnten wir in enger Abstimmung zusammenarbeiten.

Ein wöchentliches transparentes Prozessupdate stärkte die Zusammenarbeit und das Vertrauen in den Prozess. Mithilfe von Active Sourcing und einer individuellen Ansprache konnten zahlreiche Interessenten generiert werde.

Beratend standen wir unserem Kunden zur Seite und konnten durch eine schnelle Kommunikation einen professionellen Prozess und eine exzellente Candidate Experience garantieren.

Erfolge für Moodja

Hire des perfekt passenden Kandidaten. Happy Client - Happy Candidate

Optimierung des Recruiting Prozesses sowie strategische Auswahl von Bewerberkanälen für den besten Kandidaten-Fit

Steigerung des Kandidaten-Fits durch professionelles Active Sourcing und passgenauer Ansprache

Exzellente Candidate Experience durch den Einsatz von Kooku Expertenwissen & der Evaluierung des Bewerberfeedbacks

Moodja kooku

Recruiting Area:
Logistics & Warehouse Management

Project goals

Fill an operational management position on the outskirts of Berlin.

A Senior Operations Manager was sought for our client

This required a target group-specific approach and a smooth recruiting process.

Our solution approach

Our RPO service ‘s recruiting solution, personalized for our client, allowed us to work in close coordination.

A weekly transparent process update strengthened collaboration and trust in the process. With the help of active sourcing and an individual approach, numerous interested parties were generated.

We supported our client in an advisory capacity and were able to guarantee a professional process and an excellent candidate experience through rapid communication.

Successes for Moodja

Hire the perfect candidate. Happy Client - Happy Candidate

Optimization of the recruiting process and strategic selection of applicant channels for the best candidate fit

Increasing the candidate fit through professional active sourcing and a tailored approach

Excellent Candidate Experience through the use of Kooku expert knowledge & the evaluation of applicant feedback.


Recruiting Bereich:
Key Account Management & Sales


Energiewende in Gebäuden gestalten.

Bei unserem Kunden haben wir Sales Development Representatives & Key Account Manager, die für Innovation und Technologie brennen, besetzt.

Erfolgsgaranten der Zusammenarbeit im „Recruiting on Demand Service“ waren Vertrauen, schnelle Abstimmungsprozesse sowie Offenheit für Consultingmaßnahmen.

Unser Lösung

Durch die für den Kunden personalisierte Recruiting-Lösung (Recruiting on Demand) konnten wir in eng mit unserem Kunden zusammenarbeiten.

Beratend konnten wir unseren Kunden langfristig durch zielgruppenspezifische Stellenanzeigen unterstützen und zusätzlich klare Entwicklungspfade festlegen. Strategisch unterstützten wir bei der Auswahl der Recruiting Plattformen sowie der Anpassung der Stellenprofile. Das KPI basierte Projekt-Tracking führte zu einer transparenten Zusammenarbeit.

Erfolge für Aedifion

Recruiting von 13 qualifizierten Talenten im Sales und Key Account Management.

Optimierung des Recruiting Prozesses sowie strategische Auswahl von Bewerberkanälen für den besten Kandidaten-Fit.

Steigerung des Kandidaten-Fits durch verbesserten Arbeitgeberauftritt in Job Ads & Recruiting Plattformen.

Exzellente Candidate Experience durch den Einsatz von Kooku Expertenwissen & der Evaluierung des Bewerberfeedbacks.


Recruiting Area:
Key Account Management & Sales

Project goals

Shaping the energy transition in buildings.

At our client, we have filled Sales Development Representatives & Key Account Managers who are on fire for innovation and technology.

The success of the cooperation in the “Recruiting on Demand Service” was guaranteed by trust, fast coordination processes and openness to consulting measures.

Our solution

The personalized recruiting solution for the customer (Recruiting on Demand) allowed us to work closely with our customer.

In terms of consulting, we were able to support our client in the long term by providing target group-specific job advertisements and additionally defining clear development paths. Strategically, we supported the selection of recruiting platforms as well as the adaptation of job profiles. KPI-based project tracking led to transparent collaboration.

Successes for Aedifion

Recruiting 13 qualified talents in Sales and Key Account Management.

Optimization of the recruiting process and strategic selection of applicant channels for the best candidate fit.

Increase candidate fit through improved employer presence in job ads & recruiting platforms.

Excellent candidate experience through the use of Kooku expert knowledge & evaluation of applicant feedback.

Thalia nutzt Kooku Recruiting Service
Recruiting Bereich:
Design / Product Development


Tech-Stellen im Herzen von Berlin besetzen.

Für unseren Kunden wurden iOS- und Android-Developer, UX/UI-Designer und Scrum-Master besetzt.

Für Kunden, die viele unterschiedliche Stellen besetzen möchten, braucht es eine gute Internetpräsenz sowie einen engen und regelmäßigen Kontakt mit Kandidaten!

Unser Lösungsansatz

Durch die für unseren Kunden personalisierte Recruiting-Lösung unseres RoD-Services konnten wir in enger Abstimmung zusammenarbeiten.

Beratend unterstützten wir unseren Klienten im Bereich Außenauftritt: Wir verbesserten die Websitepräsenz und setzten die Zielgruppenkommunikation neu auf. Strategisch unterstützten wir bei der Auswahl der Recruiting-Plattformen und einer zielgruppenspezifischen Stellenbeschreibung.

Das KPI-basierte Projekt-Tracking mit wöchentlichen Jour fixes führte zu einer transparenten und partnerschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit mit dem Thalia Digital Retail Solutions Team.

Erfolge für Thalia Digital Retail Solutions

Recruiting von 10 qualifizierten Talenten

Optimierung des Hiring Prozesses sowie strategische Auswahl von Recruitingkanälen für den besten Kandidaten-Fit

Steigerung des Kandidaten-Fits durch verbesserten Arbeitgeberauftritt und Employer Branding

Exzellente Candidate Experience durch den Einsatz von Kooku Expertenwissen & der Evaluierung des Bewerberfeedbacks

Thalia nutzt Kooku Recruiting Service

Recruiting Area:
Design / Product Development

Project goals

Fill tech jobs in the heart of Berlin.

iOS and Android developers, UX/UI designers and scrum masters have been filled for our client.

For clients who want to fill many different positions, it takes a good web presence and close and regular contact with candidates!

Our solution approach

The personalized recruiting solution of our RoD service for our customer allowed us to work in close coordination.

We provided consulting support for our client in the area of external appearance: We improved the website presence and restructured the target group communication. Strategically we supported the selection of the recruiting platforms and a target group specific job description.

KPI-based project tracking with weekly jour fixes led to a transparent and collaborative partnership with the Thalia Digital Retail Solutions team.

Successes for Thalia Digital Retail Solutions

Recruiting 10 qualified talents

Optimization of the hiring process as well as strategic selection of recruiting channels for the best candidate fit

Increase in candidate fit through improved employer presence and employer branding

Excellent Candidate Experience through the use of Kooku expert knowledge & the evaluation of applicant feedback.


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Just enter your email address here and request the document right now:

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